Our Team

Carl Campbell
Executive Director
Project Attraction & Recruitment, Existing Industries, Small Business
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Carl Campbell, a native of Northwest Georgia, joined the Dalton-Whitfield County Joint Development Authority as Executive Director in April 2015. Prior to this role, he served as the Regional Project Manager in the Northwest Georgia Region for the Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) from 2011 until 2015.
In his previous position with the GDEcD, Campbell worked with communities, other state agencies, and utility partners to foster economic growth in our region by recruiting new industries to our area and assisting existing industries with expansion opportunities. Campbell has successfully assisted in landing numerous projects in North Georgia resulting in job growth and investment. These projects include Audia Group, Engineered Floors, Interroll, IVC US, Mannington, Mattex, Mohawk Industries, and Shaw Industries Inc.
As Executive Director, Carl works hard to create economic opportunities through retail, commercial, industrial, and housing growth, reducing the tax burden for Whitfield County citizens. His passion for the community is amplified through his messaging and his work to make Dalton the best place for investment. He does not come to "work" every day, he comes to do what he loves. He often says, " I don't work for anybody, I work for everybody!" Working to improve his hometown is a challenge and also a blessing.
Campbell has a Bachelor's of Business Administration from the University of Georgia. He has attended and instructed the Georgia Academy for Economic Development and completed the Georgia Tech Basic Economic Development course. Campbell is a member of the Georgia Economic Developers Association (GEDA) and serves on the GEDA board, as well as the board for the Northwest Georgia College and Career Academy. He and his wife, Kristy, are the parents of John Grant, Riley and Karaline. Go Dawgs!

Ali Harp
Project Manager
Project Management, Incentives, Marketing, Administration, Small Business Assistance
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Ali Harp, a Dalton Native, joined the Dalton-Whitfield County Joint Development Authority team in May 2017. Previously, she worked for the Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce from 2013-2015. She served as the Marketing and Communications Coordinator and later was named the Director of Health Initiatives at Northwest Georgia Healthcare Partnership from 2015-2017. Ali graduated from Dalton State College earning a Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Management.
As Project Manager, Ali's role includes promoting Dalton-Whitfield County across the state, the US, and the world. Execution of business retention, expansion, and recruitment to support existing industries and diversify the existing tax base is an important focus of her work. She serves as a concierge for new businesses, convener for small business development, and the rapid response team coordinator for incoming businesses and housing developments. She is the primary incentive, grant, and compliance administrator for state and federal dollars awarded to the community. Ali's role is best described as being the backbone to any and all economic development efforts for the City of Dalton and Whitfield County by bringing stakeholders to the table and coordinating the work to deliver projects. When she doesn't have her "boots on the ground" on the construction site, you can ensure she is behind the scenes making sure the work gets done.
Ali has served non-profits and initiatives across the community in support and administrative roles as well as marketing and creative roles to promote literacy and community health. She has led marketing efforts to rebrand organizations, initiatives, and fundraising events by creating marketing collateral for print, social, and web. Her role as grant and compliance manager for non-profits includes the implementation of grants funded by the Governor's Office of Student Achievement (GOSA), Americorps Vista Program, Wholesome Wave GA, and Susan G Komen.
Ali is a graduate of the Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce's Emerging Leaders Institute (Class of 2015), Leadership Dalton-Whitfield (Class of 2017), and a participant in Georgia Forward's Young Gamechanger (Spring of 2017). She has completed the Georgia Academy for Economic Development and is a member of the Georgia Economic Developers Association (GEDA). She serves on the Dalton Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors.
Ali's career has come full circle assisting in birth-12 education, workforce development and talent pipeline education, economic development, and community health.
Ali, Wesley, and their son, Cooper enjoy living an active outdoor lifestyle on their hay and cattle farm.
Carl Campbell
Executive Director
Project Attraction & Recruitment, Existing Industries, Small Business
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Carl Campbell, a native of Northwest Georgia, joined the Dalton-Whitfield County Joint Development Authority as Executive Director in April 2015. Prior to this role, he served as the Regional Project Manager in the Northwest Georgia Region for the Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) from 2011 until 2015.
In his previous position with the GDEcD, Campbell worked with communities, other state agencies, and utility partners to foster economic growth in our region by recruiting new industries to our area and assisting existing industries with expansion opportunities. Campbell has successfully assisted in landing numerous projects in North Georgia resulting in job growth and investment. These projects include Audia Group, Engineered Floors, Interroll, IVC US, Mannington, Mattex, Mohawk Industries, and Shaw Industries Inc.
As Executive Director, Carl works hard to create economic opportunities through retail, commercial, industrial, and housing growth, reducing the tax burden for Whitfield County citizens. His passion for the community is amplified through his messaging and his work to make Dalton the best place for investment. He does not come to "work" every day, he comes to do what he loves. He often says, " I don't work for anybody, I work for everybody!" Working to improve his hometown is a challenge and also a blessing.
Campbell has a Bachelor's of Business Administration from the University of Georgia. He has attended and instructed the Georgia Academy for Economic Development and completed the Georgia Tech Basic Economic Development course. Campbell is a member of the Georgia Economic Developers Association (GEDA) and serves on the GEDA board, as well as the board for the Northwest Georgia College and Career Academy. He and his wife, Kristy, are the parents of John Grant, Riley and Karaline. Go Dawgs!
Ali Harp
Project Manager
Project Management, Incentives, Marketing, Administration, Small Business Assistance
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Ali Harp, a Dalton Native, joined the Dalton-Whitfield County Joint Development Authority team in May 2017. Previously, she worked for the Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce from 2013-2015. She served as the Marketing and Communications Coordinator and later was named the Director of Health Initiatives at Northwest Georgia Healthcare Partnership from 2015-2017. Ali graduated from Dalton State College earning a Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Management.
As Project Manager, Ali's role includes promoting Dalton-Whitfield County across the state, the US, and the world. Execution of business retention, expansion, and recruitment to support existing industries and diversify the existing tax base is an important focus of her work. She serves as a concierge for new businesses, convener for small business development, and the rapid response team coordinator for incoming businesses and housing developments. She is the primary incentive, grant, and compliance administrator for state and federal dollars awarded to the community. Ali's role is best described as being the backbone to any and all economic development efforts for the City of Dalton and Whitfield County by bringing stakeholders to the table and coordinating the work to deliver projects. When she doesn't have her "boots on the ground" on the construction site, you can ensure she is behind the scenes making sure the work gets done.
Ali has served non-profits and initiatives across the community in support and administrative roles as well as marketing and creative roles to promote literacy and community health. She has led marketing efforts to rebrand organizations, initiatives, and fundraising events by creating marketing collateral for print, social, and web. Her role as grant and compliance manager for non-profits includes the implementation of grants funded by the Governor's Office of Student Achievement (GOSA), Americorps Vista Program, Wholesome Wave GA, and Susan G Komen.
Ali is a graduate of the Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce's Emerging Leaders Institute (Class of 2015), Leadership Dalton-Whitfield (Class of 2017), and a participant in Georgia Forward's Young Gamechanger (Spring of 2017). She has completed the Georgia Academy for Economic Development and is a member of the Georgia Economic Developers Association (GEDA). She serves on the Dalton Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors.
Ali's career has come full circle assisting in birth-12 education, workforce development and talent pipeline education, economic development, and community health.
Ali, Wesley, and their son, Cooper enjoy living an active outdoor lifestyle on their hay and cattle farm.
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