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Request for Proposals

Hamilton Street Workforce Housing Initiative- Closes 3/14/2025 at 3 PM 
Description: Project entails but is not limited to the development of a 40 lot residential infill subdivision inclusive of the installation of water mains & services, sanitary sewer, storm drain, curb & gutter, sidewalks, and asphalt paving.

A Mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for 1:00 PM on January 30th, 2025 at the Dalton-Whitfield Joint Development Authority Offices located at the Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce at 100 S Hamilton St - Dalton, Georgia 30720. Bid submissions will be for furnishing supervision, materials, labor and equipment required for satisfactorily completing the specified work for a 24-week period beginning tentatively on February 24th, 2025 or as noted as the notice to proceed date. In order to be considered a responsive bidder, the contractor must be in compliance with the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act and shall submit with their bid, a signed and notarized affidavit verifying its compliance with O.C.G.A. §13-10-91 as well as bid security/bid bond. The bid package, specifications, and contract documents for this Project are open to public inspection at the Dalton-Whitfield Joint Development Authority offices located at the Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce at 100 S Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia 30720 and on the City of Dalton’s website at The Joint Development Authority may be contacted at (706) 260-1761 or by mail at 100 South Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia 30720. Questions shall be addressed by email

BID Package 
Exhibit A: Approved Plans
Exhibit B: Bid Form
Addendum No.1 2/7/2025
Addendum No.2 2/13/2025
Addendum No.3 2/26/2025
Addendum No.4 3/6/2025


Submit completed sealed bid packages to:
Dalton-Whitfield County Joint Development Authority

Located at: Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce
100 South Hamilton Street
Dalton, GA 30720


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