The Dalton-Whitfield Joint Development Authority is not authorized to issue permits in Dalton and Whitfield County. Through our Rapid Response Team, we can assist you with getting answers to questions that you may have and finding solutions to issues that may be an important part of the permitting process. Feel free to reach out to us for assistance if you are not sure where to start or need guidance and assistance with special issues.
Whitfield County Community Development Contacts
City of Dalton Community Development Contacts
Development Checklist
Whitfield County:
201 S Hamilton Street
Dalton, GA 30720
(706) 275-7500
Whitfield County does not have a business licensing requirement. They handle all permitting for Land Disturbance and Storm Water Management.
City of Dalton:
300 W Waugh St #317
Post Office Box 1205
Dalton, Georgia 30722-1205
(706) 529-2490
The city of Dalton does require a business permit. Applications can be submitted at City Hall, which is located at the address listed above.
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